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Snow and So
Snow and So
*First published in Column 8 on the 20th June 1995 - this is a typical
example of a hobby horse of mine. I’ve written about it on a number ...
4 hours ago
Ensuring technology remains our tool
The newspaper asked me to write a piece exploring the last 25 years from a
technology perspective. Here it is in print (along with the other really
3 weeks ago
Catgut and Air at the Girgarre Moosic Muster
The folk group Catgut and Air, of which I am a member, is playing in the
Soundshell at Girgarre Moosic Muster on 10 January. I’m really looking
forward to ...
5 weeks ago
Monday quote
The vileness of the means begets the vileness of the result.
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn (1918–2008). “Live Not by Lies.” 1974.
2 years ago
Book Lovers by Emily Henry
Book Lovers by Emily Henry My rating: 1 of 5 stars I’ve been struggling
with this for about 2 weeks, I’ve got to 30% and cannot go further. Here’s
why: I c...
2 years ago
Just a little news...
*Edinburgh Photos*
We got some photos from our son in Edinburgh. It was really nice to get
them. We Syped the other day and he was down at a local park w...
3 years ago
Draft 10-Year Plan Submission
Last Thursday, Spokes Dunedin sent in its submission for the DCC’s draft
10-year plan. From a cycling – as well as walking and public transport –
point of ...
3 years ago
Living the lies
In 1969, when I was 16 I left school and got a job as a labourer. My wages
weren't high but to me they were a fortune and within a few months I
bought m...
4 years ago
Timaru is for likes.
I have a soft spot for this, arugably, rough-around-the-edges town. I
lived in the grand old JC Reilly building for about 6 weeks in...
5 years ago
And in the very exciting news department - this baby comes out in the UK
I'm just a little bit stoked
6 years ago
Full Metal Jacket (1987) Beste Kwaliteit
Freisetzung Full Metal Jacket in Top-Qualität. Jetzt können Sie download
Full Metal Jacket in Bester Blick mit der Dauer 116 Min und erschienen in
9 years ago
Waspadaa....Dahulu Serang Orang Umur Tua, Kini Penyakit-penyakit Ini Malah
Makin Gencar Mengincar Anak Muda-Mudi
Sobat semua berikut ini kami sajikan artikel terbaru kami tentang berbagai
penyakit yang akhir-akhir ini menyerang anak-anak berusia muda. Padahal
dulu p...
9 years ago
Change the flag or flag the change?
Here in New Zealand, matters surrounding our national flag have become a
hot topic. It is popular opinion that Prime Minister Key mooted the process
9 years ago
Industry puts some rules around clouds
The term ''cloud computing'' has featured in Mackline for more years than
this writer cares to remember. But significant changes to why more New
11 years ago
The end of the blog
*ODT blogger Anna Chinn, a Canon Media Awards finalist known for her sharp
wit and ability to tackle local issues from unexpected angles, says goodbye
11 years ago
Constraints Create Creativity
*Aza Raskin was named the 2011 Master of Design and one of the top 40
influential designers by Fast Company. Aza is the founder and CEO of
Massive Healt...
11 years ago
new beginnings
*Thank you for following my phoam surf blog over the years. *
*I am gutted to have to finally admit to this being the very last post.*
So after 7+ years,...
12 years ago
The New Constitution
As a result of a democratic decision – albeit with a very narrow margin of
five votes – by the membership at the recent special general meeting, the
Otago ...
13 years ago
Dunedin's Renaissance Man
Jonathon features in the Otago Daily Times:
13 years ago
Ratepayers Association Questionnaire
* The Greater Dunedin Team Answers Ratepayers *
*Association Questions.*
Greater Dunedin candidates d...
14 years ago
Brighton IV
Brighton was stunning today... as always.
14 years ago
Proof the South Island can produce a good Bordeaux-style red
Inadvertently, a few weeks back, I stumbled across the answer to a question
I hadn't really intended asking, but which had often flitted perfidiously
14 years ago